
"I just got results from my 12/29 checkup and I have to say that Kimberly's suggested supplements are definitely working for me. My Al C has dropped another point and I have lost 4 more lbs - I am blessed at my age that I don't take any prescription drugs, only my supplements. Thank you Kimberly and I pray that more people will seek your guidance for better health." — Sandra Kemper 

"Since I've been taking your products I haven't been sick once thanks friends." — Marcus Sims Jr.

"Thanks to Infinite Health these Supplements have done a great deal in how I feel each day thank you." — Craig Howard Beale 

"I'd like to take the time to thank and acknowledge Kimberly Kimbrough for taking the time to give me a pre- personal health assessment last night, she's a certified RN and very knowledgeable about her products and things that will help you improve your health. I encourage everyone to contact this company about their all natural products and free personal health assessments. I've taken a pledge to take better care of my health and can't wait to start using some of the natural products that are on the way to me from Kim. Contact Kimberly Kimbrough for more information on what they have to offer!" — Lance Burgess 

"I am writing this testimonial because of the miracle Kimberly performed with the help of The Lord, regarding my health. Four years ago I contracted an infection in my eye after having cataract surgery. I had two surgeries subsequent to the initial surgery in an effort to rid my eye of the infection. Neither of them worked. This eye infection caused my viral loads to increase to over 700. The doctors were not sure what came first the high viral loads or the eye infection. After going to numerous eye specialists I was prescribed a drug called Methotrexate. This drug is basically chemo therapy rendering the same results as chemo therapy."

"Before taking this drug I discussed this problem with Kimberly who after extensive research recommended a regimen of vitamins and supplements. 

After following this regimen for 6 months I returned to my eye specialist. After blood draws and analysis she found that my viral loads were almost undetectable. I have the utmost confidence in Kimberly because she is educated, intelligent, and she genuinely cares about her clients. Her concern goes far beyond the 7 minutes you get from your HMO doctor, it is sincere, her follow up is great, and the enthusiasm and encouragement to help heal others naturally is unparalleled. 

Keep up the great work you are doing." — Kate Ross 

"I just wanted to let my friends know something that know us well. Guess what? Thanks to Kim, her staff and the supplements they recommended for mom, mom actually drove on the expressway to Jonesboro and back today! "AN WE MADE IT HOME SAFELY ALL IN ONE PIECE!" "Thank you Kim. Mom hasn't been on the expressway in 8 yearsIIHI" — Jessica Cunningaham

"Ever since I've been using this products that Ms Kimberly Kimbrough promotes my body and my mind feel so much better no joint pain in my workouts sleeping better alertness on point my endurance is increasing thanks Kim! — Marcus Sims Jr